Thursday, 18 April 2013


Events at Embrace Arts planned for the 8th and 9th of November 2013

Possible publicity Image for Trajectory
I have just confirmed with Embrace Arts to hold a series of events over a two day period in November. These will take place within a multi media installation using still images, video and sound. Trajectory (working title) will display some of the material developed during the residency and will also provide the opportunity to present current research to a wider audience. The programme is very much still under development and is open to suggestions and ideas.

Trajectory - is a research and development project which will lead to more events in the future at a regional and national level. As a result this event gives scope for experimentation and the opportunity to develop new ways to communicate or comment upon research and the work undertaken by the SRC. This could be in the form of interactive sessions, lectures, discussion or as a contributing artist. I am not expecting that people will present their research through the medium of interpretive dance but hope that all working in the Space Research Centre will  consider how they may be able to contribute.

The title Trajectory is also open to interpretation and can refer to the 'Trajectory of an Idea or Project' etc. It has been choosen to present the most flexibility.  

There is a seperate page for Trajectory as part of this site and details/ideas will be posted here as soon as they are developed.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Background to Artist in Residence

The residency is for a twelve month period (September 2012 and concluding in September/November 2013) to research and develop ideas and material which could form the basis of future projects, installations and events. It has been made possible by a fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust and follows a successful pilot project entitled ‘Looking in Looking Out’ held in 2011 working with Dr John Lees. There is an open brief to create new art work (in any media), projects and events based upon current (and future) research undertaken by Staff at the Space Research Centre [SRC], Leicester University. Work can cross departments, for example Humanities or Physics etc. and will hopefully result in a mix of East Midlands and National outputs developed over the next two to three years. The aim is to generate stimulating and exciting new multi media artistic work whilst also providing new opportunites for a wider dissemination of the research undertaken within the SRC. The residency was intiated by Dr John Lees who is the SRC sponsor for the project.

Video capture still image from Looking In Looking Out installation performance

Currently the work involves understanding all that the SRC is involved in (there appears to be a lot) and developing ideas based upon some aspects of this research together with identifying key members of staff/postgraduates with which to collaborate. Approaches have also been made to other arts organisations, venues and promoters to explore possible outcomes (installations/performances/events) for projects. This will help to define what is possible in the timeframe of the residency and what may be put in place to enable work to receive a regional and national profile after the 12 month research and development period.

Video Still from Looking in Looking Out